June Day Picnic

What a lovely June day we had! After a glorious mornin' of worship the family headed home for our lunch. There was a slight breeze on this warm day, so I thought, why not spread a cloth and have us a picnic. My dear friend Rosealee and her family joined us too! What a delight to have our new and dear friends over to share an afternoon of relaxin' and fun.

I spread a nice red checked gingham over the old table out back and cut a few apple blossoms and decorated the table with a jar full of those. I am glad I had the foresight to fry up a bit of extra chicken last night. Lately, I always make more than a couple of pies on the weekends, just in case we have the opportunity to share a meal. Boy, now that would not have been me a short year or so ago! Haven't I changed some!

We lunched on fine fried chicken from last night's supper, stewed tomatoes, chilled pickles , a pepper chutney from Rosealee I have never had the likes of, simply the tastiest chutney ever. Roselaee's homemade cheese and crackers couldn't be beat either! Fresh watermelon and rhubarb and strawberry pie rounded out the dessert. The children went through two bottles of my homemade lemonade too.

John hooked up the sprinkler and the children all enjoyed a good soak from it. What a little water will do to keep children amused always amazed me. The babies dozed quite dreamily in the shade of the willow tree and John and Dominic had a nice stroll through the orchards. Rosalee and I had a chat near the babies and talked of what the summer would bring. Yes, I think this is hitchin' to be a fine summer indeed.


  1. I love to continue reading about Jennie and her family!

    ~Have a lovely day!

  2. Was so glad to see another Jennie post! Saved it to read while taking a break from my own housework. I could almost taste that picnic- sounded delicious! Thank you!

  3. Thanks ladies--glad your enjoying Jennie!


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