Every July there is plenty of pie!

Sweet, sweet July, I do love ya! Well now the gardens are flourishing and life is good. The good Lord is blessing John an me plenty. We are diggin' out of our pit slow but sure. I am so busy keepin' home I have neglected my poor journal. I find myself with a bit of time on the porch tonight. The children have all tucked in early after a full day of helping weed the garden, collecting eggs, house chores, and then a long dip in the pond with a picnic supper there in the grass. It was fairly hot today, oh bout 82 or so and a bit muggy. John and I enjoyed a swim in the pond too. The children love climbing up on their Daddy's strong shoulders and being hoisted in the air. Poor John, he might need a back rub tonight after all that play.

We had a tasty supper by the pond. I fried up some chicken out in the summer kitchen John rigged up for me so as to not overheat the kitchen and house. I snuck in making a strawberry and rhubarb pie for dessert. Boy did they gobble that pie up! Our strawberry and rhubarb grew so abundantly this season I have three whole shelves canned! I just made a good crust in the morning while getting breakfast and set it to chill in the icebox. After weeding we came in for lunch and a little rest and I got that pie baked with no one noticing. I had it cooling in my bedroom window to keep it a secret.

Summertime already seems to be going by a bit too fast. Sitting here in my rocker I am piecing together some hexagons for a quilt I am making for RuthAnn's bed. I hope to have this done for Christmas. I found me some darling fabric for a steal and I have some of her old dresses that I am using too. I think it will be real sweet.

The fireflies are starting to come out so I shall pack up my needle and thread and finish my iced tea and close up the house and get this tired body off to bed. But not before I write my recipe for strawberry rhubarb pie here. Maybe some day when I am old I will need it or maybe one of my children will read this journal and see it here. Perhaps they will all try baking it after remembering how tasty their Momma made it.


  1. Yay!!! I was so happy to see a post in my inbox! Sounds like they had a lovely time.

  2. Loved reading the new chapter of Jennie's story. Wishing for a new episode every month. These are such homey, cozy stories and so glad Jennie has learned how to better care for her family and home. Blessings, Sharon D.

  3. I'm so glad to see another journal entry! Thank you.

  4. Bless you girl! I just love these posts! They inspire me greatly. Thank you so much for writing it and sharing it!

    Be blessed!
    Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage
    on the Banks of Center Creek
    at the Edge of the Missouri Ozarks

  5. Sweet! I love these posts!

    ~Have a lovely day!

  6. Looks delish!! Have never had a strawberry rhubarb pie but thinking now that I must try one!!

  7. Looks delish!! Have never had a strawberry rhubarb pie but thinking now that I must try one!!

  8. What a nice surprise! I am loving these new posts! Thank you :)

  9. Happy to hear from Jennie again! Thank you!


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