I was there once: part 2

Poor Mrs. Williams. I could tell right away she was embarrassed about the disorderly kitchen. She laid the baby in a cradle in the corner and turned to me with such a tired look of despair. Quickly, she started to take the dirty dishes to the already full sink and told me to put my basket down on the table. As she pulled out a chair and motioned for me to sit down I noticed she was walking slow and looked like she might be in pain. I asked if she was alright and she said she was, but I didn't believe her one minute. She offered me a cup of tea and I said no. Ruthann asked if she could go outside with the boys and I said yes'm but to stay by the front. I got up to see the baby and asked her name-it's Nancy. Such a sweet name I told her and I made a fuss how cute her girl was.

I gave her the little package of hand knit pink baby booties I had made and she slipped them on her right away.

 A bright smile crossed her face when she started to cry. I wasn't quite sure what to do, but I went to her and laid a hand on her shoulder and asked what was wrong. She said she didn't know just was pretty blue and tired out. Nancy was having a lot of gas bubbles and it was keeping her up most of the night. It had been a hard pregnancy-mostly bed rest had been ordered by her doc.  I just felt so bad for her. She told me her husband wanted to stay home with her a bit longer after the baby was born, but the mill he works at needed him and if he couldn't make it in they would find someone else. Well that's a fine how do you do! No loyalty at all these days in the big mills.  She started to look white as a clean sheet all of a sudden and I got scared. One thing for sure this lady ain't alright I was thinking. I told her she needed to be lying down and I helped her over to her couch. I just kind of tossed the laundry onto a nearby chair and grabbed a pillow and helped her get her feet up. I asked her when the last time she ate anything and she hadn't eaten a thing-almost one in the afternoon. I clucked my tongue a bit and as soon as I did I wished I could take it back. She started cryin' again goin' on how she gets dizzy and is bleeding heavily. That made me nervous as a Halloween cat it did! I told her I need to get some food into her. I got some pillows and raised up her feet above her hips. I settled her and went to the kitchen to get her a bit of something. A quick look in the icebox only produced a few eggs, but that was good enough. I found bread and sliced two pieces off and toasted them. I was glad I had the sense to bring my herbs and tinctures. I made her a pot of raspberry tea to help her with that bleeding. In my basket I took out the jar of quince honey I brought and lathered her toast with it. I sat her up a bit on the couch and brought the meal in and placed it on the ottoman. She took a couple of bites, I wasn't sure she was goin' to eat, but then she dug in. Praise the Lord I thought!

I talked a bit while she ate and just started folding the laundry. Before I knew it most of it was done and I set it in the big basket. The poor woman was exhausted that's for sure. I asked what time her husband would be home and she said right about 5.  I knew I couldn't stay that late, but I told her if she would have it-that I would stay for a bit so she could have a nap. At first she looked a bit scared, but I smiled and told her she really should rest and that I would watch the children play. She relaxed and I helped her to her room. Little Nancy was startin' to fuss and she said it was her time to nurse. I did change Nancy and got her wrapped back up and handed her to her mama.

I said I would be back in a bit to put the baby in the crib and went back to the kitchen and started washing dishes, boy there was a mess of them! The table got cleaned off and washed down and I put out some cookies and milk and called the children in. In they all came and I sent them to wash hands so they could have cookies. Those boys looked at me like I just told them the house was on fire! But they obeyed a minute later and came and sat down and munched greedily on the cookies. The eldest child Donald said they ain't had lunch yet, my lands! I gave them all an apple and off back out they went. I checked on Mrs. Williams and she was sound asleep. I took Nancy and gave her a burping. I sat in the rocker and could see the children out the window as I rocked Nancy back to sleep. Then I went down and finished folding laundry and putting the parlor to rights. I found her floor duster and gave the rug a once over and swept the floor. I put the kitchen in a bit of order-it sure needed a good scrubbing, but this wasn't something I could do now.

The meal I made I put in the warmer of the oven and then I set the table for their supper. Thought this little bit might help her. Before I knew it was almost 4:00 o'clock and I knew if John had come in from the field he might worry. I called the children in and I told them their mama was resting and it was important she got rest. Then I went and checked on her and she was awake and try'n to get out of bed. She was dizzy again and crampy. I didn't like the sound of this t'all. In the bath I helped her change her nightgown and asked some questions about her bleedin'. She told me how much and I did hold my tongue, but suggested she get back to bed and I would get more tea.  While waiting for the tea I put in a call to Edna and told her I was at the William's and that this lady needs more help than meals. After giving her details she told me she would find some of the older ladies who could help during the day-if Mrs. Williams would let us. As I bought more tea upstairs I heard a loud engine coming up the drive. I was hoping Biscuit wouldn't get frightened. Mrs. Williams said that's my husband and he is early. Silently I thanked the good Lord. Mr. Williams was a big man, much like my John and he came through the door with boys hangin' all over him. Ruthann came to me and asked if we were leaving and I told her to get to the buggy and I would be along in a minute.

I introduced myself and told him my concerns. He looked worried and said he knew his wife wasn't gettin' proper rest, but they had no family close by to help. I said Edna will be callin'-so make sure that fancy phone they had stays the way it's supposed to. He said he would welcome any help and I think he was a bit relieved. I told him to make sure his wife stays in bed and to keep her feet up. Plus to sip on that pot of tea until it was gone. He nodded and thanked me a lot! Good thing he got out of his work early. Then I explained that dinner was staying warm and he looked at me like I had two heads. He didn't know about dinner. He had gotten out early so he could try and fix something to eat for them all. I said it was all figured out and if the gravy got a bit dry just to add a bit of milk and butter and give it all a good stir. We walked to the kitchen so I could show him and he stopped dead in the doorway and couldn't believe this was his kitchen. I told him never mind that we all need some help now and then. He told me his wife was usually a tidy housekeeper but that this baby had knocked her down. I assured him we would see to it that she get on her feet and he needs to make sure she rests. I said my goodbyes and told him I would stop by to see to lunch for the boys and wife tomorrow. And I handed him a bottle of my Valerian root tincture-I told him if baby gets fussy to give one drop under the tongue if possible every half hour until baby calms. We headed for home where John and the boys were waiting.

I have spent the last minutes of the day writing and saying a prayer for the lady. Please Lord let her be better in the morning........

(My dear readers, you have waited patiently for so very long for this installment. I thank you for the emails and your patience. However, I hope this entry isn't too long for you.  Please leave a comment and of course, share the blog with anyone you wish! ~Suzanne xx)


  1. I was THRILLED when I saw this come through my Google feed! I'm so happy that you're writing again. Now you mustn't leave us hanging my dear! Hugs to you! Laura of Harvest Lane Cottage By the way, you made me hungry for Swedish meatballs!

    1. I thought if you Kaura when I oosted😊

    2. Hello dearie! Just checking on you. You can email me @ lauraofharvestlane@gmail.com .

  2. Wow..i was super excited when i saw this..its my absolute fave thing to read..thank you..

  3. Thanks for the encouragement Dawn😊

  4. So glad to see this chapter today. I have loved this story. Hoping you will be back soon with the next chapter. Thank you, Sharon D.

    1. Thank you, Dharon. I will try hard to not let so much time go by. xx

  5. I was so thrilled to see a notification in my email. You did a lovely job with this next chapter. :)

  6. I'm really enjoying your story. Thank you for sharing! ��

  7. Thank you! I also was thrilled to see this in my email box! I love your stories. May God bless you and your family.

    1. Thanks Lesa! God’s blessing to you too ♥️

  8. I ❤️ This so much!! Thank you for continuing this story- so heartwarming.

  9. Replies
    1. Your most welcome , Renata. Thanks for commenting💗

  10. I can't tell you how much I've missed Jennie and John! Thank you so much for another enchanting post!

  11. I am so glad to see another installment of When Queens Ride By! I thoroughly enjoy the way you tell a story and eagerly await more!

    1. Terri, thanks very much and working on another entry😉

  12. It wasn't to long at all. I was hoping it would just keep on going. I love this story so much. Thank you!

  13. I am new to your blog. I could not stop reading. I started from the beginning and read all that is posted. You are very talented. I sure hope you keep writing/posting!

  14. I just finished reading the entire story. Thank you for all of it!

    I saw somewhere that you mentioned you had another blog. Can you share that link?

    Also, I'm not 100% sure, but I think that Blogger is about to shut down on April 1, 2019. Have you saved this blog somewhere? You can download it to your computer, create a new blog (like on WordPress) and upload it there. It will save the posts, the pictures, and the comments.

    I HOPE that I'm wrong about Blogger being stopped, but it might be a good idea to download it to your computer just in case!

  15. I do love to come back to this story once a year or so and read it in it's entirety (re: all of your installments plus the original). I hope you will be writing another post soon. I had always thought it would be lovely for the elegant woman from the first story to happen past the farm again...I would love to read of her surprise and delight at the changes.

    1. I love this idea, Veggie Mom, of the lady coming by again. Wouldn't that be a lovely twist on the story?

  16. Checking back ever so often, eagerly hoping for a new addition to this marvelous story. <3

  17. What a wonderful story. I have just found it and read from beginning to end.

  18. Love reading your story. It is a great encouragement to keep on with homemaking and creating a place to relax, share, and watch the children grow


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