I have met so many nice folks the last months. Why the ladies at church are wonderful! And my dear friend Harriet up the road has been an angel sent from heaven. But, what I have been hoping for is a lady friend. One with a husband and children like me that I can have a cup of coffee or tea with here and there. Kind of share the troubles of the day with and know she'll have a sympathetic ear. Well, I found that friend a month ago! Or maybe she found me. Her name is Rosealee and she is a sweet lady for sure. Her and her husband Dominic have five children, three girls and two boys. They came here from Italy two years ago and have been living in the city with relatives. With enough money saved from her husband working in the family meat packing business they decided to buy the little abandoned farm up the road from us. It's a bit run down and needs lots of love to bring it back , but they ain't afraid of hard work and I think the Lord will bless them mightily. Dominic had vineyards and orchards back in Italy and he is planning on doing the same, says the soil is good for it. John is skeptical, but hopes the best for 'em. 
Rosealee and I met one day when I was pickin' some of the tomatoes I planted. I saw a lady way down by the back gate near the chicken fencing and I walked back to see who it was. Well, I offered her my basket of tomatoes and a more grateful soul you couldn't come across in a hundred years! Her English is a bit broken so I got to listen real good, but I am getting used to it.
So far we have canned peaches and blueberries and lots of raspberry and blackberry jam.  We pick the fruit with all the children early in the morn and then get at the canning. She wants to pay me for the fruit, but I just tell her that she can let me pick grapes when their vines start producing. I have learned to rely on the Lord more and know with my sharing He will surely bless us. 
We share a few stories and talk about the children and all the funny and silly things they do over iced tea on these hot summer days. They have a swimmin' hole and more fun has been had by the children on the hottest of days. Rosealee and I just dangle our feet in the cool water and my husband says we look like a couple of gigglin' school girls.
Dominic helped John with hayin' a week ago, what a blessin'! Our farm is shapin' up real nice. All the shutters are fixed and painted and the old wagon in the field has been repaired and now holds some of my surplus produce for anyone who stops by. I have a very pretty sign that Roselee painted at the end of the road with big sunflowers blooming near it and folks seem to be attracted to the country charm of it. Bringin' in a bit of pocket change John laughs. That's okay, I am happy here at home, doing my daily chores and makin' the old farm a real home. Oh yes, and I am expectin' a baby, number four for John an me! I didn't think we'd have anymore. I really didn't want anymore truth be told. Seems like all they were was more work on top of all the work I had to already do. The Lord has changed my heart there. As I am obedient to His callin' on my life it seems he has given me a change of heart. I love taking care of the home and children. I don't try to do a mans work anymore and I feel a whole lot better. And my husband is getting more done around here too! It's all the Lord and lookin' at it the way He does. My church lady friends have been so encouraging , teaching me how to be a good keeper at home and encourage my husband.
Well, off to sleep, will share more later.

Psalm 127:3

Children are a heritage from the LORD, offspring a reward from him.


  1. Yeah, a new friend for Jennie and a new post for us!

    Thanks for writing...


  2. I'm lovin' this story. Keep it up. Wish I had a Rosalee down the road.

  3. What a nice story about a newfound friend...so glad Jennie has a friend...

  4. i'm so glad I found this when searching for the original story so I could read it again! Please, keep writing! i keep hoping the lady who inspired Jenny would happen back by...

  5. Have been catching up on the stories over the last week or so as I have just found your blog, but now I'm all caught up. :( Waiting patiently... :) xxx

  6. This is very inspiring, I too will wait patiently for the next installment.

  7. I've enjoyed this. It has given me new vision for my home and family.

  8. It is just as I would have wanted Jennie to be in the end. I am so glad you wrote this!

  9. Had to check in that I hadnt missed a piece of the story, looking forward to the next little bit...x

  10. Still wondering what happened with Henry and the mortgage....


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