Family Memories

Oh what a glorious Thanksgiving we had! The food was all too delicious, the warmth of the kitchen with all the good smells had all the family waiting anxiously for the dinner. Yet, to be truthful, the best part was to be surrounded by my family and dear friend Harriet.

John was the jovial host. I swear he is becoming a bit less serious. He was sharing some funny stories from his childhood and had us all belly laughing. Although, I best have a word with him , some of the dangerous stunts him and his siblings pulled could have gotten him injured. No wonder his Mum went gray early!   And all the children just sitting listenin' to him , wide eyed. I could see on the boys faces they were already thinkin' of trying a few of his shananigans. I don't want none of my children taking the shovels and sleddin' down the north slope onto the pond! Why one never knows if it would be frozen or not--yes,  a word about that story is in order.

Well, I am so excited for Christmas too because my sister and her family is coming back! They will arrive the afternoon of Christmas eve and stay for three whole days. Oh, it will be so good to have them all here again! I have their room ready and the boys cots all set up. I am prayin' for a white Christmas, but not so much snow that they wouldn't be able to come down. 

Such a Christmas dinner I have planned. Just like our Mum used to make. My sister is bringing a leg of lamb , mashed potatoes, roasted root vegetables and rolls. We still have plenty of cider too. The children and I have been baking so many cookies and been putting them into the back cold room for keepin'. Gingerbread people, butter and molasses cookies and my great grandmum's mince tarts are all awaitin'.

I have been busy as a bee too getting all my knitted gifts done. Everyone is getting new mittens. My sister brought me a lot of wool for spinning. I spun up enough to make mittens and hats and a warm pair of socks for each of us too. I have been up til 11 every night knitting away.  I am putting the finishing touches on a topsy turvy doll for Ruth Ann and John is making some wooden cars and things for the boys. John and I did buy some peppermints at Percy's store for the stockings too.

I still have to finish a shawl for my sister. I am using my wool that I dyed over the summer with goldenrod. I think she is going to really like it.

Christmas eve we are all going to church too!  John said he plans on reading the Christmas story in Luke before bedtime Christmas eve.  And before heading to service we are visiting a couple of the elderly church family who can't get to church in the cold weather. I am going to make them baskets filled with my canned apple butter and whole wheat bread with plates of our home baked cookies.

I am going to fall asleep while writing so I better hit the hay. I need to rise early and make sure I make the most of all the daytime hours.


  1. I'm always so glad to see a post here! and I'm so glad they're having family for Christmas...

  2. What a beautiful Christmassy post! (o:

  3. Lovely post as always, and worth waiting for.... I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas :) Best wishes, Jenny

  4. Thank you Jenny and I am glad you stopped by. Hope your Chrismtas was as blessed as ours was:-)

  5. Is it too late to comment and say I love this story?

  6. HEllo Anonymous,
    Never too late to comment, I see them all:-) Thank you for your kind words and I am glad your enjoying this story! I hope to post another soon:-)


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