I was there once: part 2

Poor Mrs. Williams. I could tell right away she was embarrassed about the disorderly kitchen. She laid the baby in a cradle in the corner and turned to me with such a tired look of despair. Quickly, she started to take the dirty dishes to the already full sink and told me to put my basket down on the table. As she pulled out a chair and motioned for me to sit down I noticed she was walking slow and looked like she might be in pain. I asked if she was alright and she said she was, but I didn't believe her one minute. She offered me a cup of tea and I said no. Ruthann asked if she could go outside with the boys and I said yes'm but to stay by the front. I got up to see the baby and asked her name-it's Nancy. Such a sweet name I told her and I made a fuss how cute her girl was. I gave her the little package of hand knit pink baby booties I had made and she slipped them on her right away. A bright smile crossed her face when she started to cry. I wasn't quite ...